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Data download area:

Trains only, no buses.


licensed under Creative Commons Namensnennung 3.0 Österreich


  • rail tracks and
  • train stations/stops

GeoJSON and Shape EPSG: MGI Austria Lambert!

Useful attributes:

NAMECAT distinction between train station (Bahnhof) and stop (Haltestelle)

CROSSSECT/CROSS_NAME distinction between nach Eisenbahnstrecke single-track (eingleisig), double-track (zweigleisig), station area (Bahnhofsbereich) and stop area (Haltstellenbereich)


licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

GTFS, updated quarterly (as of April 2019)

I created a gtfs archive and checked it with transitfeed 1.2.16 (latest release available at that time):

TLDR: looks usable (but be sure to look into the block_id issue if you plan to use this column).

Long version: no errors, 4060 warnings.

383 Duplicate IDs in transfers.txt: can be ignored, these are just walking times within larger stations such als Innsbruck HBF or Salzburg HBF .

59 Invalid Values in routes.txt: can be ignored, all flagged values

  • 101
  • 102
  • 103
  • 106
  • 109

are contained in the extended route types. Also minor warnings about route_long_name and route_short_name.

1475 Overlapping Trips In Same Blocks in trips.txt: “Trip 348 and trip 349 both are in the same block 270 and have overlapping arrival times.”
The (optional) block_id field identifies the block to which the trip belongs. A block consists of a single trip or many sequential trips made using the same vehicle, defined by shared service day and block_id.

2139 Too Fast Travels: can be ignored since feedvalidator flags everything faster than 100km/h.

4 Unrecognized Columns in stops.txt: can be ignored, the column platform_code is not defined for stops.txt

Ticket shops

JSON with 1109 shops.

Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

Unfortunately no easy matching with GeoJSON stops possible:

GEOJSON pk_bfnr: nationale Bahnhofnummer, z.B. 1114. eva_bfnr: internationle Bahnhofnummer, z.B. 8100002.

JSON GIP_OBID ID aus der Graphenintegrations-Plattform GIP, e.g. 15532299337 EXTERNALID Betriebsstellen-ID der ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG, e.g. 1235


traffic_data_sets.1554378523.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/04/04 13:48 by mantis