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r_cookbook [2013/09/10 13:58]
mantis [Spatial data]
r_cookbook [2013/09/11 09:18] (current)
mantis [browser]
Line 1: Line 1:
 +====== Database ======
 +===== SQLITE =====
 +Access to sqlite is provided via the RSQLite package.
 +==== Installing ====
 +<code R>
 +sudo R
 +==== Selecting ====
 +Note: To fetch all rows of a resultset, append n=-1 to your fetch statement.
 +driver = dbDriver("​SQLite"​)
 +con <- dbConnect(driver,​dbname="​some_sqlite.db"​)
 +dbListTables(con) # show tables
 +rs <- dbSendQuery(con,​ "​SELECT * from sensordata limit 10"​) ​ # send a query
 +data <- fetch(rs,​n=3) # fetch 3 rows from result (use -1 to fetch all rows)
 +dbHasCompleted(rs) ​ # checks if other rows left and returns true/false
 +==== Inserting ====
 +library(RSQLite);​ driver = dbDriver("​SQLite"​);​
 +con <- dbConnect(driver,​ dbname="/​home/​soma/​Desktop/​testdata.db"​);​
 +data(USArrests);​ #prepare some data frame
 +dbWriteTable(con,"​arrests",​ USArrests); # insert it as a table
 +===== MySQL =====
 +==== Installing ====
 +==== Linux ====
 +sudo aptitude install r-cran-rmysql
 +==== Windows ====
 +  * Set system variable MYSQL_HOME (RMYSQL directory in R-directory e.g. C:​\Programme\R\R-2.8.1\library\RMySQL)
 +  * Directory defined above has to contain the client DLL for MySQL-Servers. A specific structure of subdirectories has to be created.
 +==== Selecting ====
 +roadid = 1234
 +laneid = 1
 +drv = dbDriver("​MySQL"​)
 +con = dbConnect(drv,​dbname="​flow_timeseries",​user="​123",​pass="​123",​host="​"​)
 +sql <- paste("​SELECT * from timeseries WHERE roadid = ",​roadid,"​AND laneid = ",​laneid,"​ORDER BY day")
 +res <- dbSendQuery(con,​sql)
 +data <- fetch(res, n = -1)
 +===== PostgreSQL =====
 +Install the r-base postgres server dependencies
 +sudo apt-get install r-base-dev postgresql-server-dev-8.3
 +sudo R
 +In an R shell, install the necessary packages
 +install.packages("​RPostgreSQL",​ dependencies=TRUE)
 +Talk to a postgres from within R:
 +drv <- PostgreSQL()
 +drv <- PgSQL()
 +con <- dbConnect(drv,​ dbname="​db",​ user="​1234",​ password="​1234",​ host="​"​)
 +res <- dbSendQuery(con,​ "​SELECT * FROM ...")
 +data <- dbGetResult(res)
 +===== RODBC =====
 +Package RODBC on CRAN provides an interface to database sources supporting an ODBC interface. This is very widely available, and allows the same R code to access different database systems. RODBC runs on both Unix/Linux and Windows, and almost all database systems provide support for ODBC.
 +<code bash>
 +sudo apt-get install odbcinst1debian2 tdsodbc
 +==== Read MS Excel Files ====
 +As a simple example of using ODBC under Windows with a Excel spreadsheet,​ we can read from a spreadsheet by
 +<code R>
 +channel <- odbcConnectExcel("​bdr.xls"​)
 +## list the spreadsheets >
 +<code R>
 +    1 C:​\\bdr ​           NA           ​Sheet1$ SYSTEM TABLE      NA
 +    2 C:​\\bdr ​           NA           ​Sheet2$ SYSTEM TABLE      NA
 +    3 C:​\\bdr ​           NA           ​Sheet3$ SYSTEM TABLE      NA
 +    4 C:​\\bdr ​           NA Sheet1$Print_Area ​       TABLE      NA
 +<code R>
 +sh1 <- sqlFetch(channel,​ "​Sheet1"​)
 +sh1 <- sqlQuery(channel,​ "​select * from [Sheet1$]"​)
 +====== Reading and Writing Data ======
 +===== Connections =====
 +Connections provide a flexible way for R to read data from a variety of sources, providing more complete control over the nature of the connection than simply specifying a file name as input to functions like **read.table//'​ and '//​scan**.
 +  * file: files on the local file system
 +  * pipe: output from a command
 +  * textConnection:​ treats text as a file
 +  * gzfile: local gzipped file
 +  * unz: local zip archive (with single file; read-only)
 +  * bzfile: local bzipped file
 +  * url: remote file read via http
 +  * socketConnection:​ socket for client/​server programs
 +==== Examples ====
 +Skip last lines of a data file (e.g. last two lines):
 + . <​code>​
 +con <- textConnection(rev(rev(readLines('​data.txt'​))[-(1:​2)]))
 +data <- read.table(con)
 +Read data from gzip-compressed file:
 +gz <- gzfile("​datafile.csv.gz",​ "​r"​)
 +raw <- textConnection(readLines(gz))
 +dataset <- read.table(raw,​ sep=";",​, header=TRUE)
 +====== Data Frames ======
 +===== Determining Size =====
 + . <​code>​
 +df = data.frame(...)
 +row_count = nrow(df)
 +col_count = ncol(df)
 +====== Date/Time ======
 +R and its contributed packages have a number of datetime (i.e. date or date/time) classes:
 +  * **POSIX classes**: //​POSIX''​ classes refer to the two classes ''​POSIXct'',​ ''​POSIXlt''​ and their common super class ''​POSIXt//​. These support times and dates including time zones and standard vs. daylight savings time.
 +  * **Date**: Date is the newest R date class, introduced in R-1.9.0. It supports dates without times. Eliminating times simplifies dates substantially since not only are times, themselves, eliminated but the potential complications of timezones and daylight savings time vs. standard time need not be considered either. Date has an interface similar to the POSIX classes discussed below making it easy to move between them.
 +  * **chron**: The CRAN-Package chron provides dates and times. There are no time zones or notion of daylight vs. standard time in chron which makes it simpler to use for most purposes than date/time packages that do employ time zones.
 +References: R News, The Newsletter of the R Project, Volume 4/1, June 2004, ISSN 1609-3631, http://​​doc/​Rnews/​Rnews_2004-1.pdf
 +===== Parse a Date =====
 +d1 <- as.Date("​2008-05-18"​)
 +class(d1) # Output: [1] "​Date"​
 +d2 <- strptime("​2008-01-01 14:​30",​ "​%Y-%m-%d %H:​%M"​)
 +class(d2) # Output: [1] "​POSIXt" ​ "​POSIXlt"​
 +d3 <- as.POSIXct("​2008-01-01 14:​30",​ tz="​GMT"​)
 +class(d3) #Output: [1] "​POSIXt" ​ "​POSIXct"​
 +See **strptime** for formatting details
 +All functions also work for lists:
 +strptime(c("​2008-01-01 14:​30","​2008-02-02 0:​30"​),​ "​%Y-%m-%d %H:​%M"​)
 +===== Dates and data.frames =====
 +If you want to store your date in a data.frame you will **NOT//'​ be able to use '//​POSIXlt**. The reason for this is that a POSIXlt actually is a list with 9 elements. So if you want to add your dates to a data.frame you will need to convert your dates to POSIXct:
 +data$time = as.POSIXct(strptime(data$time_string,​ "​%H:​%M:​%S"​))
 +===== Format a Date =====
 + . <​code>​
 +format(d1, "%a %Y/​%m/​%d"​)
 +#[1] "So 2008/​05/​18"​
 +format(d2, "%A %Y/​%m/​%d"​)
 +# [1] "​Dienstag 2008/​01/​01"​
 +===== Time Intervals =====
 + . <​code>​
 +b1 <- ISOdate(1977,​7,​13)
 +b2 <- ISOdate(2003,​8,​14)
 +b2 - b1
 +# Time difference of 9528 days > class(b2-b1) [1] "​difftime"​
 +If an alternative unit of time is desired, the <​tt>​difftime</​tt>​ function can be called, using the optional <​tt>​units=</​tt>​ argument with any of the following values: "​auto",​ "​secs",​ "​mins",​ "​hours",​ "​days",​ or "​weeks"​.
 + . <​code>​
 +#Time difference of 1361.143 weeks
 +===== Time Sequences =====
 +The **by=**> argument to the //​seq''​ function can be specified either as a ''​difftime''​ value, or in any units of time that the ''​difftime//​ function accepts, making it very easy to generate sequences of dates.
 + . <​code>​
 +# [1] "​1976-07-04"​ "​1976-07-05"​ "​1976-07-06"​ "​1976-07-07"​ "​1976-07-08"​ [6] "​1976-07-09"​ "​1976-07-10"​ "​1976-07-11"​ "​1976-07-12"​ "​1976-07-13"​
 +seq(as.Date("​2000-06-01"​),​to=as.Date("​2000-08-01"​),​by="​2 weeks"​)
 +# [1] "​2000-06-01"​ "​2000-06-15"​ "​2000-06-29"​ "​2000-07-13"​ "​2000-07-27"​
 +seq(as.POSIXct("​2009-03-23 00:​00:​00",​ tz="​GMT"​),​ length=96, by="15 mins")
 +# [1] "​2009-03-23 00:00:00 GMT" "​2009-03-23 00:15:00 GMT" [3] "​2009-03-23 00:30:00 GMT" "​2009-03-23 00:45:00 GMT"
 +====== Formulas ======
 +Formulas in R can be thought of as a "​little language"​ since they obey a different structure and syntax from expressions. ​ Expressions when evaluated produce some result such as a number, vector or list which is then displayed by the print function. ​ Formulas on the other hand are used as a concise and intuitive way of specifying a statistical model. ​ For example, consider a multiple linear regression of y on a numeric variable x1 and its squared value, x1^2 and a categorical variable x2.  Note that in R categorical variables are called factors. This regression is specified by:
 + . y ~ x1 + I(x1^2) + x2
 +and could be fit using the lm function (linear model, regression):​
 + . lm(y ~ x1 + I(x1^2) + x2)
 +In the formula notation, "​~"​ means the left-hand-side is the independent variable or response and the right-hand-side are the dependent variables. ​ The I(x1^2) means interpret the inside expression as a regular expression in R.  Including a factor variable like x2 is very convenient since we don't have to be bothered about specifying all the indicator variables as we would have to do in other statistical software.
 +[[http://​​doc/​manuals/​R-intro.html#​Formulae-for-statistical-models Defining statistical models; formulae]]
 +====== Graphics ======
 +[[http://​​graphiques/​ R Graph Gallery]]
 +===== Simple Plot =====
 + . x = c(1,2,3) y = c(1,2,3) plot(x,y, col='​red',​ type='​l'​)
 +  * type: "​p"​ for points, "​l"​ for lines, "​o"​ for overplotted points and lines, "​b",​ "​c"​) for (empty if "​c"​) points joined by lines, "​s"​ and "​S"​ for stair steps and "​h"​ for histogram-like vertical lines.
 +===== Plot Multiple Timeseries =====
 + . # draw data from matrix mat # plot each column # use lines between data points ... t='​l'​ # limit range of y-coordinate ... ylim=c(0,​120) matplot(mat,​t='​l',​ylim=c(0,​120))
 +===== Pause between Plots =====
 +If you are running plots in a script, you will want R to pause until you have  viewed one plot, before it creates the next:
 + . par(ask=TRUE) for(i in 1:3) {
 +  . plot( _something_ )
 +  . }
 +===== Plot a filled countour =====
 + . <​code>​
 +sql <- paste("​select detector_id,​ 1.0*q/60 as q, v, count(*) as cnt from sensordata_raw where q>0 and detector_id=",​det_id,"​ group by detector_id,​ q, v")
 +# get the max values for the calculation of the counts
 +max_q <- max(data$q)+1
 +max_v <- max(data$v)+1
 +len <- length(data$v)
 +# as we use exponential scale, calculate the max value we need for the levels
 +f <- (exp(20/​5)-1)/​max(data$cnt)
 +levels <- (exp(c(0:​20)/​5)-1)/​f
 +# define a matrix to hold the data and fill it
 +h <- array(0, dim=c(max_q,​max_v))
 +for (i in 1:len) {
 +# as we use exponential scale, calculate the max value we need for the levels levels = 20
 +f <- (exp(levels/​5)-1)/​max(h)
 +breaks <- (exp(c(0:​levels)/​5)-1)/​f
 +colors = rev(heat.colors(levels))
 +filled.contour( 1:​max_q,​1:​max_v,​h,​ main = paste("​Fundamental Diagram Sensor ",​det_id,"​ (",​det_group,"​)",​sep=""​),​ xlab = "​count",​ ylab = "​speed",​ levels = breaks, nlevels = levels, col = colors)
 + . <​code>​
 +h[data$q[i]+1,​data$v[i]+1] = data$cnt[i]
 +===== Examples =====
 +==== Plot Least Squares Fit ====
 + . <​code>​
 +year <- c(2000 ,   ​2001 ​ ,  2002  ,  2003 ,   2004)
 +rate <- c(9.34 ,   ​8.50 ​ ,  7.62  ,  6.93  ,  6.60)
 +abline(lsfit(year,​rate)$coefficients,​ col="​red"​)
 +==== Plot ESRI Shapefile ====
 + . <​code>​
 + . <​code>​
 + <​code>​
 +map <- read.shape("​shp/​at_districts_lambert.shp"​)
 + . <​code>​
 +p <- Map2poly(map)
 + . <​code>​
 +p_centers <- get.Pcent(map)
 + . <​code>​
 +brks <- round(quantile(val,​ probs=seq(0,​1,​0.1)),​ digits=2) col <- rev(heat.colors(length(brks)))
 + . <​code>​
 +col_val <- col[findInterval(val,​ brks, all.inside=TRUE)]
 + . <​code>​
 +plot(p, col=col_val,​ forcefill=FALSE,​ axes=FALSE) text <- as.character(round(val,​digits=1)) text(p_centers[,​1],​ p_centers[,​2],​ text, col="​darkgreen",​ cex=0.75)
 +====== Clustering ======
 +CRAN Task View [[http://​​web/​views/​Cluster.html Cluster Analysis & Finite Mixture Models]]
 + . hclust() kmeans()
 +===== Package //​flexclust//​ =====
 +flexclust: Flexible Cluster Algorithms
 +The main function kcca implements a general framework for k-centroids cluster analysis supporting arbitrary distance measures and centroid computation. Further cluster methods include hard competitive learning, neural gas, and QT clustering. There are numerous visualization methods for cluster results (neighborhood graphs, convex cluster hulls, barcharts of centroids, ...), and bootstrap methods for the analysis of cluster stability.
 +====== Machine Learning/​Statistical Learning ======
 +CRAN Task View [[http://​​web/​views/​MachineLearning.html Machine Learning & Statistical Learning]]
 += String Manipulation =  == Concatenate ==  To create a string from different chunks use paste:
 + . > some_string <- "​blabla"​ > paste("​a",​ "​b",​ 14, some_string,​ sep="​-"​) [1] "​a-b-14-blabla"​ > paste(c("​a",​ "​b",​ "​c"​),​ collate="​1",​ sep="​_"​) [1] "​a_1"​ "​b_1"​ "​c_1"​
 +====== Spatial data ======
 +Nice collection of howtos: http://​​R:​_Spatial
 +===== Work with shapefiles =====
 +Read in shapefiles, merge them and export to image:
 +shppointfile="​./​testdata/​points.shp"​ # simple points file
 +shppolyfile="​./​testdata/​polys.shp"​ # simple points file
 +#      Name Value
 +#0  Highway ​    1
 +#1  Highway ​    1
 +#2 Arterial ​    2
 +#3 Arterial ​    2
 +#4 Arterial ​    2
 +#5 Arterial ​    2
 +simpleLines <- readShapeLines(shplinefile) # returns a http://​​library/​sp/​html/​SpatialLinesDataFrame-class.html
 +colours <- c('​red','​yellow','​green','​blue','​black'​) # colors for different road classes
 +plot(simpleLines,​col=colours[simpleLines@data$Value],​ main="​Route"​)
 +legend("​topright",​ fill=unique(simpleLines@data$Value),​ legend = as.character(unique(simpleLines@data$Value)))
 +# add point layer
 +simplePoints <- readShapePoints(shppointfile)
 +plot(simplePoints,​pch=20,​add=T) # pch == plotting character
 +# also polylines are possible
 +#​simplePolys <- readShapePoly(shppolyfile)
 +#​plot(simplePolys,​col='​blue',​ add=T)
 +====== Timeseries ======
 +===== Create a Timeseries =====
 + . myts = ts(data=c(1,​2,​3,​4),​ start=16, end=20)
 +===== Extending a Timeseries =====
 + . extended_ts =  window(some_ts,​ 0,96, extend=TRUE)
 +====== Debugging ======
 +Most debugging takes place either through calls to <​tt>​browser</​tt>​ or <​tt>​debug</​tt>​. Both of these functions rely on the same internal mechanism and both provide the user with a special prompt. Any command can be typed at the prompt.
 +There are five special commands that R interprets differently:​ ;<​tt><​RETURN></​tt>​ :Go to the next statement if the function is being debugged. Continue execution if the browser was invoked. ;<​tt>​c</​tt>,​ <​tt>​cont</​tt>​ :Continue the execution. ;<​tt>​n</​tt>​ :Execute the next statement in the function. This works from the browser as well. ;<​tt>​where</​tt>​ :Show the call stack. ;<​tt>​Q</​tt>​ :Halt execution and jump to the top-level immediately.
 +===== browser =====
 +A call to the function <​tt>​browser</​tt>​ causes R to halt execution at that point and to provide the user with a special prompt.
 +<code R>
 +> foo <- function(s) { 
 +    c <- 3 
 +    browser() ​
 +    } 
 +> foo(4) ​
 +Called from: foo(4) ​
 +Browse[1] > s [1] 
 +Browse[1]>​ get("​c"​) [1] 
 +===== debug/​undebug =====
 +The debugger can be invoked on any function by using the command <​tt>​debug(fun)</​tt>​. Subsequently,​ each time that function is evaluated the debugger is invoked. The debugger allows you to control the evaluation of the statements in the body of the function. Before each statement is executed the statement is printed out and a special prompt provided.
 + . > debug(mean.default) > mean(1:10) debugging in: mean.default(1:​10) debug: {
 +  . if (na.rm)
 +   . x <- x[!]
 +  trim <- trim[1] n <- length(c(x, recursive = TRUE)) if (trim > 0) {
 +   . if (trim >= 0.5)
 +    . return(median(x,​ na.rm = FALSE))
 +   lo <- floor(n * trim) + 1 hi <- n + 1 - lo x <- sort(x, partial = unique(c(lo,​ hi)))[lo:​hi] n <- hi - lo + 1
 +  } sum(x)/n
 + }
 + ​Browse[1]>​ debug: if (na.rm) x <- x[!] Browse[1]>​ debug: trim <- trim[1] Browse[1]>​ debug: n <- length(c(x, recursive = TRUE)) Browse[1]>​ c exiting from: mean.default(1:​10) [1] 5.5
 +Debugging is turned off by a call to <​tt>​undebug</​tt>​ with the function as an argument.
 +====== Random Data ======
 +===== Generate a Random Matrix =====
 +Generate a matrix with n rows and m columns, where each entry is drawn from a normal distribution
 + . <​code>​
 +replicate(m,​ rnorm(n))