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mssql [2012/09/26 13:36]
mssql [2012/09/26 14:02] (current)
mantis [Date conversion]
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 +===== Cheat sheet for MSSQL 2008 =====
 +Get table names from database
 +<code sql>
 +select table_name from information_schema.tables
 +Show table structure
 +<code sql>
 +exec sp_columns <​tablename>​
 +Limit output to x lines
 +<code sql>
 +Select top <x> * from <​tablename
 +===== Dates and times =====
 +==== Date conversion ====
 +The magic number in the convert function determines the datestyle: 120 == ODBC canonical.
 +More about converting [[http://​​en-us/​library/​aa226054%28v=sql.80%29.aspx][here]]
 +Select events that are active at a certain time:
 +<code sql>
 +SELECT event, starttime, endtime
 +FROM table
 +WHERE  convert(datetime,'​2012-08-04 12:​00:​00',​120) BETWEEN starttime and endtime
 +===== Python and mssql =====
 +===== Caveats =====
 +Error message: "​Unicode data in a Unicode-only collation or ntext data cannot be sent to clients using DB-Library (such as ISQL) or ODBC version 3.7 or earlier."​
 +can be resolved by adding **tds_version = 8.0** to your odbc.ini
 +(the Why is nicely summarised e.g. by Ubuntitis http://​​p=64)