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mongodb [2012/11/12 15:31]
mantis [Login to database]
mongodb [2012/11/22 10:51] (current)
mantis [Indizes]
Line 1: Line 1:
 +====== Introduction ======
 +From [[http://​​|the hp]]: "​MongoDB (from "​humongous"​) is a scalable, high-performance,​ open source NoSQL database. Written in C++, features"​
 +  * Document-Oriented Storage (JSON-style documents with dynamic schemas offer simplicity and power)
 +  * Full Index Support (Index on any attribute)
 +  * Replication & High Availability (Mirror across LANs and WANs)
 +  * Auto-Sharding (Scale horizontally without compromising functionality)
 +  * Querying ​
 +  * Fast In-Place Updates ​
 +  * Map/​Reduce ​
 +  * GridFS ​
 +  * Commercial Support ​
 +This page aims to be a MongoDB **"​hello world"​** example, for more info read 
 +  * [[MongoDBCookBook]]
 +  * [[MongoDBAdmin]]
 +===== Differences to traditional DBMS =====
 +MongoDB does not support transactions. [[http://​​display/​DOCS/​Atomic+Operations|Atomic operations]] are supported.
 +====== Getting started ======
 +<code bash>
 +sudo apt-get install mongodb
 +will pull in all dependencies,​ install and start the database.
 +If required, adjust settings in /​etc/​mongodb.conf (like IP binding or port)
 +===== Start/stop database =====
 +<code bash>
 +sudo service mongodb stop
 +sudo service mongodb start
 +===== Login to database =====
 +An easy way is the [[http://​​display/​DOCS/​mongo+-+The+Interactive+Shell|mongo]] interactive shell.
 +In a terminal, type
 +<code bash>
 +This connects to database "​test"​.
 +====== Usage examples ======
 +The information below comes from the [[http://​​display/​DOCS/​Manual|MongoDB manual]]
 +===== Use a specific database =====
 +To use a specific database, say "​accounts",​ login to mongo and issue
 +<code bash>
 +>use accounts
 +If database "​accounts"​ does not exist yet, it will be created.
 +List all existing databases:
 +<code bash>
 +>show dbs
 +===== Collections =====
 +MongoDB [[http://​​display/​DOCS/​Collections|collections]] can be compared to RDBS tables. Collections are named groupings of documents.
 +Login to a specific database and list existing collections:​
 +<code java>
 +>use accounts
 +>show collections
 +As with databases, the first time you access a collection, it will be automatically be created for you.
 +===== Insert documents =====
 +As mentioned before, MongoDB is document-oriented. Whereas you think of //rows// in RDBMS, you think of [[http://​​display/​DOCS/​Documents|documents]] in MongoDB.
 +More specifically,​ MongoDB documents are in JSON format.
 +Insert one document
 +<code bash>
 +>{"​name":"​alice","​type":"​withdrawal",​ "​amount":​ 30})
 +or bulk insert (supported in shell since v2.2)
 +<code bash>
 +>​[{"​name":"​alice","​type":"​deposit",​ "​amount":​ 500}, {"​name":"​alice","​type":"​withdrawal",​ "​amount":​ 50}, {"​name":"​bob","​type":"​withdrawal",​ "​amount":​ 20}, {"​name":"​bob","​type":"​withdrawal",​ "​amount":​ 60}])
 +===== Update =====
 +Change transaction type to "​deposit"​ where name=bob and amount 60
 +<code java>
 +> db.transactions.update({"​name":"​bob",​ "​amount":​60},​ {$set : {"​type":"​deposit"​}})
 +===== Delete documents =====
 +<code java>
 +db.transactions.drop() //drop the entire transactions collection
 +db.transactions.remove() //remove all objects from the collection
 +db.transactions.remove( { name : "​sara"​ } )  //remove objects from the collection where name is sara
 +===== Retrieve data =====
 +Get all documents
 +<code java>
 +> db.transactions.find()
 +==== With WHERE clause====
 +Alice'​s money transactions:​
 +<code java>
 +> db.transactions.find({"​name"​ : "​alice"​})
 +==== Only specific fields ====
 +Show only type and amount fields
 +<code java>
 +> db.transactions.find({},​ {"​type":​true,​ "​amount":​true,​ "​_id":​false})
 +==== Limit result to x rows ====
 +<code java>
 +> db.transactions.find({},​ {}).limit(2)
 +==== Sort results ====
 +sort by name ascending, amount descending
 +<code java>
 +> db.transactions.find( {},​{}).sort({"​name":​1,"​amount":​-1})
 +==== Indizes ====
 +Run ensureIndex(),​ which builds the index ONLY if it does not already exist.
 +<code java>
 +View existing indizes
 +<code java>
 +The [[http://​​manual/​core/​indexes/​|manual]] has more details.
 +===== Simple analyses =====
 +==== Count lines ====
 +<code java>
 +> db.transactions.count() ​
 +// or with a WHERE clause
 +> db.transactions.count({"​name":"​alice"​}) ​
 +==== Calculate sum ====
 +How much did all users withdraw?
 +<code java>
 +> {
 +   "​key":​ {"​name":​true} , 
 +   "​cond":​ {"​type":"​withdrawal"​}, ​
 +   "​reduce":​ function (obj,prev) { prev.csum += obj.amount; }, 
 +   "​initial":​ { csum: 0 } 
 +}  )
 +==== Calculate average ====
 +==== Distinct values ====
 +<code java>
 +> db.transactions.distinct("​name"​)
 +==== Analyse query ====
 +Use [[http://​​display/​DOCS/​Explain#​Explain-millis|explain()]] to get statistics about a query, e.g. check "​millis"​ for the query runtime in milliseconds.
 +**NOTE: during the execution of explain(), the actual query is being run!** So if the query takes lots of time, explain() will take a long time, too.
 +<code java>
 +> db.transactions.find({},​{"​name":​true,​ "​amount":"​true"​}).explain()
 + "​cursor"​ : "​BasicCursor",​
 + "​isMultiKey"​ : false,
 + "​n"​ : 6,
 + "​nscannedObjects"​ : 6,
 + "​nscanned"​ : 6,
 + "​nscannedObjectsAllPlans"​ : 6,
 + "​nscannedAllPlans"​ : 6,
 + "​scanAndOrder"​ : false,
 + "​indexOnly"​ : false,
 + "​nYields"​ : 0,
 + "​nChunkSkips"​ : 0,
 + "​millis"​ : 0,
 + "​indexBounds"​ : {
 + },
 + "​server"​ : "​ankh:​27017"​