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java_concurrency [2012/09/05 10:38]
hkoller [Example: Thread Pool]
java_concurrency [2012/09/19 17:02] (current)
hkoller [Example: Thread Pool]
Line 1: Line 1:
 +====== Basics ======
 +  * Thread should be seen as **deprecated**
 +====== Executor Framework ======
 +Java introduces the [[http://​​javase/​tutorial/​essential/​concurrency/​executors.html|Executor Framework]] as a new Highlevel Mechanism to handle concurrency.
 +Basically this includes the following steps: ​
 +  * Create a Worker classes that either implements Runnable or Callable
 +  * Create Worker instances
 +  * Create an ExecutorService
 +    * newSingleThreadExecutor
 +    * newCachedThreadPool
 +    * newFixedThreadPool
 +  * Submit the workers to the executor service
 +  * Wait for the workers to finish
 +  * Shutdown the ExecutorService
 +===== Example: Thread Pool =====
 +<code java>
 +public class ThreadPoolExecutorDemo {
 + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
 + ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);​
 + executor.submit(new Worker());
 + executor.submit(new Worker());
 + executor.shutdown();​
 +                executor.awaitTermination(60,​ TimeUnit.SECONDS);​ // wait until finished, but at most for 60 seconds
 + System.out.println("​Done"​);​
 + }
 + public static class Worker implements Runnable {
 + @Override
 + public void run() {
 +         // do work
 + }
 + }
 +If the Worker should yield a result, implement **Callable<​T>​** instead of Runnable:
 +<code java>
 +public class ThreadPoolTest {
 + public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
 + ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);​
 + Future<​Integer>​ result1 = executor.submit(new Worker());
 + Future<​Integer>​ result2 = executor.submit(new Worker());
 + System.out.println("​Results:​ " + result1.get() + " " ​ result2.get());​ // note that get() might throw an Exception if the worker did not finish normally
 + }
 + public static class Worker implements Callable<​Integer>​ {
 + @Override
 + public Integer call() {
 +                        int result=0;
 +                        // do some work
 + return result;
 + }
 + }
 +===== Waiting until tasks are done =====
 +<code java>
 +public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
 +  List<​Worker>​ tasks = new ArrayList<>​();​
 +  tasks.add(new Worker());
 +  tasks.add(new Worker());
 +  ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);​
 +  List<​Future<​Integer>>​ results = executor.invokeAll(tasks);​ // blocks until all tasks are done
 +  System.out.println("​Result1:​ " + results.get(0).get());​
 +  System.out.println("​Result2:​ " + results.get(1).get());​
 +  System.out.println("​Done"​);​
 +  executor.shutdown();​
 +public static class Worker implements Callable<​Integer>​ {