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This is a general list of guidelines and best practices collected from a variety of sources (books, interwebs, personal experience). All of these are guidelines should be taken with a grain of salt

some very helpful sources:

  • Clean Code (Robert C. Martin)
  • Effective Java (Joshua Bloch)


  • Try to minimize the number of different languages (natural and artificial) in a source file
  • Always follow the “Principle of the least surprise”. Make things intuitive.
    • Every class/method should implement the behaviour that another programmer could reasonably expect from the object's name (and nothing more).
    • generally try to make the code as expressive as possible
    • place code where a reader would expect it
  • Do not suppress compiler warnings unless you have a very good reason
    • document the reason
    • suppress the warning as locally as possible
  • Code Duplication is bad. DRY (Dont repeat yourself).
    • although there are exceptions : Sometimes repeated code is preferable to creating dependencies between otherwise independent modules.
  • Be Consistent
    • do all similar things in the same way
    • choose conventions and continue to follow them
    • have only one name for one concept
  • increase the expressiveness of calculations by using explanatory variables
    • break calculations up by introducing intermediate variables with meaningful names
  • prefer polymorphism to if/else or switch/case
    • several similar switch/case statements are a good indicator that something is wrong with your code
  • No magic numbers
    • use well-named constants
    • (does not apply only to numbers)
  • Using float or double to represent currency is criminal
    • use BigDecimal
  • Ecapsulate Conditionals
    • extract functions that explain the intent of the conditional
  • Avoid negative conditionals
    • they are much harder to understand
  • Keep configurable data at high levels
    • expose it as an argument to lower-level functions
  • Prefer enums to constants
  • Never write any code you dont need right now


Names should

  • be descriptive
  • be unambiguos
  • have appropriate length
    • length of a name should be relative to the scope of the variable: the longer the scope the more precise the name should be
    • as a rule: explanatory value outweighs length
  • follow conventions (eg. of the domain)
  • use standard nomenclature where possible
  • be at the appropriate level of abstraction
    • dont pick names that communicate implementation
  • avoid encodings
    • dont encode type information or visibility in variable names ( m_Name , s_Url)
    • it is redundant, distracting and useless (the IDE does it better)
    • dont't call an interface ISomething (look at core java. List,Set,Map not IList,ISet,IMap)


Every time you write a comment you should feel guilty. This may sound radical but keep reading. If you write a comment you are basically admitting that you need to document a hidden concept or intention that you did not manage to express within your code. When you start writing a comment stop for a second and think hard if there exists a better way to express yourself within the programming language. This will not always be possible but here are a few points to consider:

  • Comments need to be maintained separately. They grow stale or get separated from the code they were intended to document. They become inappropriate.
  • Inappropriate comments can be distracting or even harmful
    • They lead the programmer along the wrong way of thought
    • Many inappropriate comments started out as being well intended, then the code evolved and the comment did not evolve with it
  • Redundant comments are bad. Reiterating what your code already says is clutter at best.
  • If a part of your program is so complicated that you feel the need to write a long comment then it is time to STOP. Refactor and simplify your code.
  • Commented out code needs to be deleted. Always. (SVN will remember)
  • Write comments only for things your code can not say for itself
    • First try improving the naming of your variables, create adequately named helper methods or introduce clarifying variables
    • Dont explain what code does (this MUST be obvious from the code, otherwise refactor until it is). Explain WHY you do it.
  • If you write a comment make sure it is the best comment you can write
    • use correct grammar and punctuation
    • dont state the obvious
    • be brief

API Documentation (Javadoc)

Public APIs should be well documented. But the above guidelines should be kept in mind. A comment like

public interface Person {
* Get the birthday of the associated person.
* @return the birthday of the Person as Date. 
public Date getBirthday();

adds NO INFORMATION to the API. It does however add unnecessary clutter.

What should be documented in a Javadoc API:

  • things that are not obvious to the user of the API
    • e.g. specific details of the contract
  • requirements for the input variables
    • (eg. “x must be >=0” )
  • the conditions under which checked and unchecked Exceptions are thrown
    • eg. “@throws IllegalArgumentException if x<0”
    • the state an object will be left in when an Exception is thrown
  • side effects of a method (if any)
    • eg. the method modifies input parameters
    • eg. the method changes the state of the object (unless this is obvious)
  • runtime complexity
  • thread safety
  • if a class is intended for inheritance (most classes really aren't)


A trivial example: Instead of doing

if (record.getDate().before(MIN_DATE) ) { // remove if too old


private void removeIfTooOld(Record r) {
 if (r.getDate().before(MIN_DATE) {

your intention is now encoded in the language itself, a comment is no longer required.

Classes / Interfaces

  • Helpers/utility classes are candidates for inner classes
  • Classes that are not utilities of some other class should not be scoped inside another class
  • Keep all Interfaces as small as possible
    • hide as much implementation detail as possible (without being overly constraining)
    • make stuff private unless you have a good reason to do otherwise
      • don't create lots of package/protected methods and variables (they are implementation details and other classes WILL try to depend on them)
      • Possible Exception: Unit Tests (hotly debated)
  • Base classes should know nothing about their derivatives
    • otherwise the base class depends on the subclass (which is generally not what you want)
  • Avoid artificial coupling
    • things that don't depend upon each other should not be coupled
    • take the time to figure out where things are supposed to be declared
  • Avoid transitive navigation
    • myObject.getB().getC().doSomething() makes it difficult to change the design. The architecture becomes rigid.
    • it would be better if myObject offered the service we need: myObject.doSomething()
  • Objects should primarily interact via message passing
    • most of your code should ask objects to DO something
    • if you spend a lot of time asking objects about their internal state you are probably doing something wrong


  • Design classes for inheritance or explicitly forbid inheritance (private constructor, final class)
  • If you override a method ALWAYS declare @Override
  • Classes designed for inhertiance need to document their implementation (to a certain extent)
  • Protected methods are effectively part of the public interface
    • Subclasses can depend on them and will break if they change in the future
  • Classes designed for inheritance should never call their own public/protected methods
    • a Subclass might override them and break the class invariant of the base class
    • ESPECIALLY not in constructors (the subclass which overrides the method will not be initialized yet –> chaos)
  • Composition is often preferable to inheritance
    • Interface inheritance is fine though


  • methods should never contain anything that comes as a surprise to the reader
  • a method should do exactly one thing
  • each method should be simple and as short as possible
    • avoid control flows that are hard to follow
    • avoid deeply nested constructs
  • Pick clear, descriptive names
    • the method name should give the reader a good idea of what the method does
    • if you have to look at the implementation to find out what the method does, then pick a better name
    • if you are tempted to put an AND in a method name, it may be a good idea to split the method
  • Never return null when you could return an empty List (Set, Map, etc.)
    • this avoids many useless if(x!=null) checks (and NullPointerExceptions)
    • ESPECIALLY don't do this for performance reasons (use Collections.emptyList() )
  • class methods that are used together should be close together
    • order methods in a class so they can be read “top down: first a public method, then all private methods used by the public method
  • try to stay at the same level of abstraction
    • separate higher-level concepts from detailed concepts
    • within a method don't mix levels of abstraction. It is deeply confusing.
    • This also applies to Exceptions: a high-level method should NOT need to deal with low-level Exceptions
  • prefer nonstatic methods
    • only make functions static if they dont need an instance (duh) and you are sure you will never want this method to behave polymorphically
    • when in doubt make the function nonstatic


  • Functions should have a small number of arguments (No argument is best, 3 should be max)
  • Output arguments are counterintuitive. Readers expect arguments to be INPUTS. Dont confuse them.
  • Boolean arguments are bad
    • especially in public APIs
    • a boolean argument is good indicator that a method does more than one thing and should be split
    • a call like

      is not very helpful. Better:

  • Methods that are never called are dead code and should be discarded
    • unless they are part of a public API


  • Only test things that are part of the class contract
    • eg. on a method that returns Collection<Integer> don't rely on the order of the elements during testing
    • otherwise you hardcode a condition that is not part of the class contract
  • Test everything that could possibly break
    • dont skip trivial tests
  • Tests also have documentary value
    • at the very least they document how you think a class should behave
  • Tests should be precise
  • Always test boundary conditions
  • Test exhaustively near bugs
    • maybe a second/dependent bug is hiding nearby
  • Tests should be fast
    • otherwise people will not run them
    • choose minimal examples that are sufficient to prove that a method behaves correctly
  • Don't write several tests for the same thing
  • Don't test more than one thing per @Test
    • some people advocate only putting a single assert statement in every test method
  • Make tests self-documenting
    • descriptive names
    • clear assert error messages
    • develop a “testing language” on top of junit
  • Don't accept failing unittests. ever.
    • if a test fails fix it
    • if a test is obsolete delete it
    • if a test is not ready @Ignore it until it is ready
    • If you ignore a unittest, document why you ignore it: @Ignore(“Test case not ready”)
  • Keep the unittests healthy
    • if you can't rely on the tests they become useless

Exception Handling

Here are a few guidelines

  • Use Exceptions only for exceptional cases
    • not for normal flow-control (eg. to terminate a loop)
  • Before throwing an Exception think how the user of the API can/will react to it
  • Use checked Exceptions when
    • the user of your API can realistically be expected to recover (or at least do something useful after the exception has happened)
    • you want the user of the API to be aware of an exceptional situation (a checked Exception forces him to handle it)
  • Use unchecked Exceptions
    • to indicate programming errors (IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException, NullPointerException)
    • to abort in unrecoverable situations
  • Provide meaningful error messages with your Exceptions
    • describe exactly what has happened and why it was bad. This makes your code far easier to debug.
  • Use Exceptions at the right level of abstraction
    • don't force high-level methods to deal with low-level Exceptions
    • employ Exception translation and Exception chaining
  • Don't declare to throw multiple Exceptions unless they actually make a difference to the caller
    • if they all indicate the same thing, translate the Exception into a more appropriate one
  • Try to re-use existing Exceptions
  • Document the conditions under which an Exception is thrown
    • for checked and unchecked Exceptions ( ”@throws IllegalStateException if initialize() has not been called“ )
    • also document if an object is left in an illegal state after an Exception
  • Do not “swallow Exceptions”
    • especially not when you catch something as general as “Exception”
    • the least you can do is to write a log message
  • If there is a really good reason for an empty catch block
    • catch the most specific Exception you can
    • document why the catch block is empty
java_best_practices.txt · Last modified: 2012/08/23 10:19 by hkoller