Table of Contents

Stuff collected by non-geo-scientists.

Widely used libraries:

Brush-up: spatial reference systems

Commonly used is WGS84.

Sometimes metric systems are useful. UTM zones are applicable worldwide, eg.

but the UTM system does not take into account country borders.

These CRS do

Convert coordinates from/to WGS84

sudo aptitude install python-pyproj
from pyproj import Proj, transform
wgs84 = Proj(proj='latlong',datum='WGS84')
austria_lambert = Proj(init='epsg:31287')
x2, y2 = transform(wgs84, austria_lambert, x1, y1) # there
x3, y3 = transform(austria_lambert, wgs84,  x2, y2) # and back to WGS84 again


A frequent task, geocoding is done rather easily by whipping up a script and using the geopy library (apt-get install python-geopy, or download it here and install it in your python path). For a long introduction read the geopy wiki. Below is the fast-food variant:

Pick a geocoder (I tried only these two, but do check out the others and report back):

import sys
    from geopy import geocoders
    from import GQueryError
except ImportError:
    print "You do not seem to have the python geopy module installed.\nCheck for information about installation and usage."
geocoder = geocoders.Google( domain='')
#geocoder = geocoders.YahooPlaceFinder('consumer_key', 'consumer_secret')
address = "Wilhelmstr. 19, 1120 Wien, Austria"
    matched_address,(lat,lon) =  geocoder.geocode(address,exactly_one=False)[0] # use first result from result list
    print lat,lon
except GQueryError, qe:
    print("No match found for %s" % (address))

ESRI shapefiles

The Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) is a C/C++ library capable of handling numerous raster and vector formats. Python bindings (python-gdal) can be installed in Lucid:

sudo apt-get install python-gdal

Copying fields from an existing shapefile and adding new fields:

import ogr
ogrdriver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile")
viennashp = ogrdriver.Open("./map/aut9__________nw.shp",0) # 0: readonly, 1: read-write
layer =  viennashp.GetLayerByName("aut9__________nw")
viennaout = viennaoutshp = ogrdriver.CreateDataSource(viennaout)
layerout = viennaoutshp.CreateLayer("nw",geom_type=ogr.wkbMultiLineString)
#create new fields
newField = ogr.FieldDefn()
#create roadId field by using the existing field definition from the source shapefile
fieldDef = layer.GetFeature(0).GetFieldDefnRef('ID')
outfeatureDef = layerout.GetLayerDefn()
road = layer.GetNextFeature() # if we are interested in Vienna's road graph
while road:
        outfeature = ogr.Feature(outfeatureDef)
        outfeature.SetField("ID", road.GetFieldAsString("ID"))
        coverage = 1 # or whatever your magic wants it to be
        layerout.CreateFeature(outfeature) # now create new feature
        road = layer.GetNextFeature()
viennashp.Destroy() # clean up

Aerial distance in meters

Between WGS84 positions

From SO, but with a modification because with lat/lon it is always safest to use named parameters (otherwise lat and lon might get reversed and the earth implodes):

from geopy import distance,Point
# located in Northern Austria
lat0,lon0=48.2242843328, 16.1884416921
lat1,lon1=48.2377701258,  16.1900290977
# a number of other elipsoids are supported too
distance.VincentyDistance.ELLIPSOID = 'WGS-84'
a = Point(longitude=lon0,latitude=lat0)
b = Point(longitude=lon1,latitude=lat1)
print distance.distance(a,b).meters

Between positions from a Cartesian coordinate system

from shapely.geometry import Point

Or if you already have wkt to work with:

from shapely.wkt import loads
l=loads('LINESTRING(3.0 4.0, 3.1 4.1)') # creates a shapely.geometry.linestring.LineString
print l.length

Visualising maps

colourcode percentages