====== AISDK ====== AIS data from AISDK, available on their [[ftp://ftp.ais.dk/ais_data/|FTP server]]. Has different archive formats (zip,rar) and csv data formats (header, no header) ===== Type of position fixing device ===== * |Combined GPS/GLONASS | * |Not used | * |Integrated navigation system| * |GLONASS | * |Chayka | * |Galileo | * |Internal | * |Undefined | * |Surveyed | * |GPS | * |Loran-C | ====== Mobility data Austria ====== https://www.mobilitydata.gv.at ====== ÖBB / OEBB ====== Data download area: https://data.oebb.at/#default/datasets **Trains only, no buses.** To create a gtfs.zip download all .txt files, then rename 's/(.*).csv/$1.txt/' *.csv zip gtfs.zip *.txt ===== Datasets ===== ==== Geodata ==== licensed under [[https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/at/deed.de|Creative Commons Namensnennung 3.0 Österreich]] Contains * rail tracks and * train stations/stops GeoJSON and Shape EPSG: [[http://spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/31297/|MGI Austria Lambert]]! Useful attributes: **NAMECAT** distinction between train station (Bahnhof) and stop (Haltestelle) **CROSSSECT/CROSS_NAME** distinction between nach Eisenbahnstrecke single-track (eingleisig), double-track (zweigleisig), station area (Bahnhofsbereich) and stop area (Haltstellenbereich) {{::oebb-graph.png|}} ==== Timetable ==== licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). GTFS, updated quarterly (as of April 2019) I created a {{ ::oebb-gtfs-20190404.zip |gtfs archive}} and checked it with [[https://github.com/google/transitfeed/releases|transitfeed 1.2.16]] (latest release available at that time): **TLDR: looks usable (but be sure to look into the block_id issue if you plan to use this column).** Long version: no errors, 4060 warnings. **383 Duplicate IDs** in [[https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs/reference/#transferstxt|transfers.txt]]: these appear to be walking times within larger stations such as Innsbruck HBF or Salzburg HBF. Since additional columns (from_trip_id,to_trip_id) have been added (which are not documented in GTFS for transfers.txt), these must be changing times for specific trips. **59 Invalid Values** in [[https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs/reference/#routestxt|routes.txt]]: can be ignored, all flagged values * 101 * 102 * 103 * 106 * 109 are contained in the [[https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs/reference/extended-route-types|extended route types]]. Also minor warnings about route_long_name and route_short_name. **1475 Overlapping Trips In Same Blocks** in [[https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs/reference/#tripstxt|trips.txt]]: "Trip 348 and trip 349 both are in the same block 270 and have overlapping arrival times."\\ The (optional) block_id field identifies the block to which the trip belongs. A block consists of a single trip or many sequential trips made using the same vehicle, defined by shared service day and block_id.\\ **2139 Too Fast Travels**: can be ignored since feedvalidator flags everything faster than 100km/h. **4 Unrecognized Columns** in [[https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs/reference/#stopstxt|stops.txt]]: can be ignored, the column platform_code is not defined for [[https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs/reference/#stopstxt|stops.txt]] ==== Ticket shops ==== JSON with 1109 shops. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Contains loads information like opening hours, accessibility. ===== Combining datasets ===== I tried matching the ticket shop JSON with GeoJSON stops: GEOJSON\\ **pk_bfnr:** nationale Bahnhofnummer, z.B. 1114\\ eva_bfnr: internationle Bahnhofnummer, z.B. 8100002. JSON\\ GIP_OBID ID aus der Graphenintegrations-Plattform GIP, e.g. 15532299337\\ **EXTERNALID** Betriebsstellen-ID der ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG, e.g. 1235 but externalid to pk_bfnr does not produce valid matchings: 2511: FEATURENAME BST Wien Westbf 2511: 'bfname': u'Gobelsburg'