Stuff collected by non-geo-scientists. Widely used libraries: * apt-get install [[|python-gdal]] * apt-get install python-geopy * apt-get install python-pyproj # Cython wrapper to provide python interfaces to [[|PROJ.4]] functions. * apt-get install python-shapely ======= Brush-up: spatial reference systems ======= Commonly used is WGS84. Sometimes **metric** systems are useful. [[|UTM zones]] are applicable worldwide, eg. * [[|23033]] for Austria, * ... for France * ... for Germany * ... for Boston but the UTM system does not take into account country borders. These CRS do * [[|Austria Lambert ]] for Austria * ... for France * ... for Germany * ... for Massachusetts ======= Convert coordinates from/to WGS84 ======= sudo aptitude install python-pyproj from pyproj import Proj, transform wgs84 = Proj(proj='latlong',datum='WGS84') austria_lambert = Proj(init='epsg:31287') x2, y2 = transform(wgs84, austria_lambert, x1, y1) # there x3, y3 = transform(austria_lambert, wgs84, x2, y2) # and back to WGS84 again ======= Geocoding ======= A frequent task, geocoding is done rather easily by whipping up a script and using the geopy library (apt-get install python-geopy, or [[|download]] it here and install it in your python path). For a long introduction read the [[|geopy wiki]]. Below is the fast-food variant: Pick a geocoder (I tried only these two, but do check out the others and report back): * Yahoo completely redesigned their services: - 2000 queries per day are free. * [[| Google Maps API]] allows 2,500 geolocation requests per day. But at least no key needed here. import sys try: from geopy import geocoders from import GQueryError except ImportError: print "You do not seem to have the python geopy module installed.\nCheck for information about installation and usage." geocoder = geocoders.Google( domain='') #geocoder = geocoders.YahooPlaceFinder('consumer_key', 'consumer_secret') address = "Wilhelmstr. 19, 1120 Wien, Austria" try: matched_address,(lat,lon) = geocoder.geocode(address,exactly_one=False)[0] # use first result from result list print lat,lon except GQueryError, qe: print("No match found for %s" % (address)) ======= ESRI shapefiles ======= The Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) is a C/C++ library capable of handling numerous raster and vector formats. Python bindings ([[|python-gdal]]) can be installed in Lucid: sudo apt-get install python-gdal Copying fields from an existing shapefile and adding new fields: import ogr ogrdriver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") viennashp = ogrdriver.Open("./map/aut9__________nw.shp",0) # 0: readonly, 1: read-write layer = viennashp.GetLayerByName("aut9__________nw") viennaout = viennaoutshp = ogrdriver.CreateDataSource(viennaout) layerout = viennaoutshp.CreateLayer("nw",geom_type=ogr.wkbMultiLineString) #create new fields newField = ogr.FieldDefn() newField.SetName("coverage") newField.SetType(ogr.OFTInteger) newField.SetWidth(5) layerout.CreateField(newField) #create roadId field by using the existing field definition from the source shapefile fieldDef = layer.GetFeature(0).GetFieldDefnRef('ID') layerout.CreateField(fieldDef) outfeatureDef = layerout.GetLayerDefn() road = layer.GetNextFeature() # if we are interested in Vienna's road graph while road: outfeature = ogr.Feature(outfeatureDef) outfeature.SetGeometry(road.GetGeometryRef()) outfeature.SetField("ID", road.GetFieldAsString("ID")) coverage = 1 # or whatever your magic wants it to be outfeature.SetField("coverage",coverage) layerout.CreateFeature(outfeature) # now create new feature road.Destroy() outfeature.Destroy() road = layer.GetNextFeature() viennashp.Destroy() # clean up viennaoutshp.Destroy() ======= Aerial distance in meters ======= ===== Between WGS84 positions ===== From [[|SO]], but with a modification because with lat/lon it is always safest to use named parameters (otherwise lat and lon might get reversed and the earth implodes): from geopy import distance,Point # located in Northern Austria lat0,lon0=48.2242843328, 16.1884416921 lat1,lon1=48.2377701258, 16.1900290977 # a number of other elipsoids are supported too distance.VincentyDistance.ELLIPSOID = 'WGS-84' a = Point(longitude=lon0,latitude=lat0) b = Point(longitude=lon1,latitude=lat1) print distance.distance(a,b).meters ===== Between positions from a Cartesian coordinate system ===== from shapely.geometry import Point Point(0,0).distance(Point(1,1)) Or if you already have wkt to work with: from shapely.wkt import loads l=loads('LINESTRING(3.0 4.0, 3.1 4.1)') # creates a shapely.geometry.linestring.LineString print l.length ======= Visualising maps ======= ===== colourcode percentages =====