====== Kubuntu Wrestling ====== ===== Menu ===== Instead of using kmenueditor a quick way to add new entries to the start menu is by creating a .desktop file here: ~/.local/share/applications/ E.g. [Desktop Entry] Name=Anaconda Comment=anaconda-navigator Exec=/usr/bin/env PATH=/home/mstraub/anaconda3/bin/:$PATH /home/mstraub/anaconda3/bin/anaconda-navigator Icon=/home/mstraub/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/anaconda_navigator/static/images/logos/continuum_twitter.jpg Terminal=false Type=Application StartupNotify=true ===== Kubuntu 18.04 Troubleshooting ===== Solving my problems with a Lenovo Thinkpad T450s: I ended up putting the following scripts in ''/lib/systemd/system-sleep''. This script fixes that touchpad scrolling with a two finger gesture does not work anymore after resume: #!/bin/bash case "$1" in post) modprobe -r psmouse modprobe psmouse echo "modprobe script finished @ `date`" >> /tmp/modprobescript ;; esac And this script is an ugly workaround for notifications and global shortcuts not working anymore after resume (see also https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=396682) #!/bin/bash sleep 6 export DISPLAY=:0 sudo -u markus kcmshell5 khotkeys & sleep 1 killall kcmshell5 ===== Inkscape Tooltips ===== To avoid nearly unreadable (white on white) tooltips in Inkscape disable ''Apply colors to non-Qt applications'' in the KDE System Settings under Colors. https://askubuntu.com/questions/725642/inkscape-tooltips-unreadable ===== Eclipse & SVN ===== Using Eclipse 2018.09 and Kubuntu 18.04: Subclipse by default uses JavaHL - this does not work well, for each svn update it takes Gigabytes of RAM and a long time. What works: switch to the pure Java implementation (SVNKit) in Preferences > SVN! Subversive is no longer maintained, don't use it! ===== File Associations / Default Applications ===== Note: this research was done on Kubuntu 15.10 using KDE 5 Nowadays MIME types and .desktop files are involved in deciding which programs are used to open a certain file. See these wiki entries for [[https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Default_applications|Arch Linux (recommended in-depth explanation)]] and [[https://wiki.debian.org/MIME|Debian]]. KDE uses ''ktraderclient5'' to determine the default program. Also ''xdg-open'' uses this program (see the function defapp_kde() in xdg-mime or the output of ''xdg-mime query default application/pdf''). It returns useful defaults such as using Okular to open pdfs even if Gimp is installed (''ktraderclient5 --mimetype application/pdf''). However, programs not relying on ''ktraderclient5'' (such as Firefox) won't get these defaults as they are not stated in any ''mimeapps.list'' file. (FIXME: where do the defaults actually come from? [[http://api.kde.org/frameworks-api/frameworks5-apidocs/kservice/html/kmimetypetrader_8cpp_source.html|Maybe dig into the code...]]) As soon as you explicitly configure program preferences with Dolphin the defined program order is written to ''~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list''. The order of entries displayed in Dolphin is reflected in the section [Added Associations]. The section [Default Applications] is filled in as well, but it seems that KDE ignores the default set there and sticks to the first program in [Added Associations]. The most useful way I identified to get consistent for all applications (KDE and non-KDE) is to explicitly set defaults in ''~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list'', which will be updated for all programs when using the GUI method in Dolphin. [Default Applications] application/pdf=kde4-okularApplication_pdf.desktop; application/postscript=kde4-okularApplication_ghostview.desktop; image/bmp=org.kde.gwenview.desktop; image/gif=org.kde.gwenview.desktop; image/jp2=kde4-okularApplication_kimgio.desktop; image/jpeg=org.kde.gwenview.desktop; image/png=org.kde.gwenview.desktop; image/svg+xml=inkscape.desktop; image/tiff=org.kde.gwenview.desktop; ===== Missing Ark Context Menus ===== sudo ln -s /usr/share/kde4/servicetypes/konqpopupmenuplugin.desktop /usr/share/kservicetypes5/ http://www.linuxgnut.com/dolphin-extract-menus-missing-in-kubuntu-1510 ===== KDE 4 & Eclipse problems ===== ==== Freezes when Debugging GUIs ==== Using KDE 4.11 (Kubuntu 14.04) the whole workspace freezes when debugging GUIs, e.g. Java FX. Only switching to the console and killing the started program makes the desktop responsive again. Solution: pass the VM argument ''-Dsun.awt.disablegrab=true''. Source: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=20006 Alternative solution: System Settings > Application Appearence > GTK > use "Raleigh" as GTK2 theme The xfce gtk2 engine should also work (and is less ugly): apt install gtk2-engines-xfce